Upcoming Shows


May Showers



May 2-3, 2015 – Expo Idaho (Show Ring  #3) – Boise, Idaho

Judges: Jason Overman (Simple Necessities) & Joyce Hubbard (Animal Haven)



NPGA Show; NPGA rules govern and take precedence over all others.  For NPGA classes, each animal’s original registration certificate must be presented at check-in.  Ownership transfers not yet recorded by the NPGA Central Office require a transfer form dated not more than 90 days before the show to be presented with original NPGA certificate at check-in.  Photocopies of certificates and transfers are not acceptable.

Bucks and Does with the judge’s herd name cannot be shown under that judge.



CO-CHAIR:                         Diana Dowdy:                      2890 Holl Dr.; Eagle, ID  83616 

(208) 939-0814; e-mail: jimdowdy@cableone.net


CO-CHAIR:                         Karen Colwell:                     31593 Apple Valley Rd.; Parma, ID  83660

                                                                                                (208) 695-3227; e-mail: karen.legacyfarms@yahoo.com


ENTRY FEES:  RMPGC club members $6 per head /class, non-members $7 per head /class; 4-H Entries (owned & shown by 4-H) $4 per head /class; showmanship:  $2 / person.

Late fee for entries postmarked after April 25th, or substitutions at check-in are an additional $4 / head /class.  Please make checks payable to: Rocky Mountain Pygmy Goat Club (RMPGC); mail entries to Diana Dowdy (address above).  No refunds will be made without a showing of severe hardship (written notice required and must be received before the show date).


CLASSES:        NPGA sanctioned Wether, Doe, & Buck  (2 each)

                             Master Champion Buck & Doe (2 each – depending on entries)

                            Showmanship classes (1 each)


                            We will have a class for 0-6 month old Prospective Buck/Wether (not registered).  This is not an NPGA sanctioned                             class, but is an evaluation class only (to help the owner to determine whether or not the animal should be        wethered).  Entry fees for this class are $3 per head (2 each).


There will also be a Youth Show on Friday, May 1.  All enquiries regarding the Youth Show should be directed to Maria Gardner email:  rainydayfarmblog@gmail.com  Phone: (208) 467-2620.


HEALTH:  All animals must be parasite free and in good health.  Animals will be inspected before pens are assigned.  At the sole discretion of the show chairs, ANY ANIMAL showing signs of parasite infestation or disease will be quarantined away from other stock or refused access to the premises - in either event, the animal will not be shown and there will be no entry refunds.


FACILITIES:  The facility includes permanent pens (6’ x 6’) that will hold three pygmies comfortably


PEN FEES:  $9 / pen (all pens will be cleaned up by Expo Idaho).  Pens will be bedded with shavings (furnished).  Please indicate the number of buck and doe pens needed.   Plastic fencing or other appropriate small opening fencing (to line the pens) is suggested for young kids.


WHERE TO STAY:                          There are numerous motels in the Boise area within easy driving distance (within 3 miles) of Expo Idaho.


The Riverside Hotel, 2900  Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714, (208) 343-1871

www.riversideboise.com  (Special rate of $89 (breakfast included)  – use Group Code ROCK0501)               


RV:         Boise Riverside RV Park – adjacent to show grounds – www.boiseriversidervpark.com                     


FEED/FOOD:     Goats: There are a couple of feed / farm supply stores within three blocks of the show site.

                                People: Numerous fast food and other eating establishments within two blocks of the show site. 


DIRECTIONS:  Easy access from I-84


From West (Oregon) on I-84: take exit #29 (Hwy 20), turn left (east) on Hwy 20, stay on Hwy 20 going east for approximately 15 miles, (Hwy 20 becomes Chinden Blvd. in Boise), the first major intersection in Boise is Eagle Rd., continue past Eagle Rd. on Chinden approximately 4 miles to Glenwood St., turn left on Glenwood St. (Expo Idaho is at the intersection of Chinden & Glenwood), turn right at the 3rd entrance to Expo Idaho at “Livestock Entry” sign.


From East (Utah) on I-84: take exit #50A (Overland Rd./ Cole Rd.), turn left (north) on Cole Rd. for approximately 4 miles, turn left on Mountain View Dr. (Cole dead-ends at Mountain View) 1 block, turn right on Glenwood St. 2 blocks, Expo Idaho is on the right, turn right at the 3rd Expo Idaho entrance at “Livestock Entry” sign.




OTHER RULES:               


1.       All tattooing must be done before the show starts.

2.       Any complaints - about procedure, exhibitors, judges, facilities, or otherwise - are to be brought immediately to the attention of the show secretary.

3.       Please wear (prominently displayed on the front of your shirt) your correct exhibitor number for each class in which you participate.

4.       The Release on the entry form must be signed in order to participate.



CHECK –IN:       3:00 – 9:00 p.m., Friday, 5/1/15.  Late arrivals (after 9:00 p.m.) will not be able to check in until Saturday morning prior to the start of the show.






1st Show: Showmanship,

Wethers, Does, & Bucks

(Jason Overman)                                 Saturday, 5/2/15:  9:00 a.m.

Note:  Shanna Breeding will be in the show ring as an apprentice for some classes, but she will not be

judging the animals.

Auction & Raffle: Immediately following 1st show & lunch.  Auction & raffle items are greatly appreciated.

2nd Show: Bucks (Joyce Hubbard)            Saturday, 5/2/15: approximately 4:00 p.m.

2nd Show: Wethers, Does  (Joyce Hubbard)  Sunday, 5/3/15:  9:00 a.m.

For more information about our May Showers please contact:
Jim Dowdy at jimdowdy@cableone.net  or
Karen Colwell at karen.legacyfarms@yahoo.com